From blogger to MovableType

2004 March 12 at 13:14 » Tagged as :blog,

In a recent blog post, I discussed the need to switch from to movable type for various reasons. I managed import all the entries from by following the instructions in the MT documenation.

While movable type has a nice thick manual, doesn't have any documents worth reading. So it remains a mystery to whether they have a good export mechanism. MT on the other hand does not seem inclined to lock you down to their own software. Not only does it support import from several other blogging systemr but provided an export mechanism as well. I will get the chance to put the export feature to the test when I switch to GreyMatter.

You might be wondering, if movable type works well, why switch? A good architect doesn't limit themselves to one technology just because it's good; there's always the possibility of something better out there.