FTP Applet

2004 June 14 at 23:45 » Tagged as :

We just released version 1.12 of our FTP Applet. When our SFTP (SSH FTP) applet was created last year we had no intention of supplementing it with one that offered less security. However it turned out that many of the clients who tried out the SFTP demo didn't actually have an SFTP server but had an FTP server instead.

In order to avoid disapointing this segment of our visitors we decided to create the FTP applet using the same graphical user interface that was used in the SFTP version. We did have to create a library but we already had a partial implementation of the RFC, that was created when we did Rad Upload

We also did a standalone client and recently followed it up with a shareware version the shareware version has already had more than 500 downloads, since it was listed at at download.com just two weeks ago.

Not so long ago people were saying it is impossible for applets to access network resources or the local file system, now people are giving three of our applets (Rad SFTP, Rad FTP and Rad Upload) as examples. Not bad for a small company huh?