
2004 Oct 10 at 11:04 » Tagged as :wiki,

The site with the lamp has finally been 'wikified'

If you are a frequent visitor here you might have noticed that I spent a bit of time looking at a few wiki scripts, a few days back I decided to end the quest by settling on mediawiki as the chosen one.


The chosen one is now at work on this. Though I wanted to hide away the edit pages behind a username and password ( you can do that by changing just a few lines of mediawiki code) I decided not to so so at this stage. When you are starting off a wiki, it's usually a blank other than for the system messages, you canno really expect people to contribute to such a blank wiki even if someone was inclined to make a contribution he is likely to run a mile when asked to register.


So the wiki is editable by anyone, even with out a login until it is vandalised. If it ever becomes vandalised I will be pretty happy because that means this site is being noticed.


update 2011-11-28 : The site was wikified but it kept getting vandalized till it could no longer be maintained. More about it here