Rad Upload 3.0 Released

2006 July 5 at 12:24 » Tagged as :rad upload, rcs,

Rad Upload 3.0 has just been released and we just barely managed to release it on the 5th of July as planned. It was an eleventh hour effort, literally. The clock had rolled passed 11:30PM in the night when the files were finally uploaded to the server.

Until this morning, (there is still a few minutes to midnight), we were pretty sure that the release would simply be a matter of changing the version number for the Release Candidate and making a zip file. It was not to be, we had a bug report and we had to fix it, and we did.

While fixing this bug (it had to do with max_upload in que and upload mode (again)) we discovered another, and that had to be fixed too. Having two such fixes obviously meant some thorough testing had to be done to make sure we had not broken anything.