Follower/Following Oddity.

2009 July 29 at 10:32 » Tagged as :weird, twitter, gae,

At the time of I drafted this (July 16 9:30 pm) I had 557 followers on twitter. Since then many have been culled in a spammer/bot cleanup that has thrown everyone into confusion. This confusing fact though was detected before the cull and the original post (in present tense though it belongs to the past) follows: @kasunvp is not one of my 557 followers - or at least that's what the followers list for my account (@e4c5) shows.  Kasun on the other hand is following me as you can clearly see from this screen shot:

Kasun's userId is 14449390 and mine is 17185376 since Kasun is following me, 14449390 should appear in my list of followers but it doesn't. You can get the followers list in XML and confirm this for yourself. Well, at least that was so at the time of writing (9:03PM on July 16 - here is the cached result) but things might have changed. If 14449390 is not in the list of people I follow, 17185376 should not be in the list of people kasunvp is following either but it is ( check the xml (or the cached result)). The twitter API has a method to verify follower/followings. The REST link for the kasunvp/e4c5 combo is it confirms that e4c5 is being followed. At the time of writing I have 557 followers on twitter and @kasunvp is not one of them - or at least that's what the followers list for my account (@e4c5) shows.  Kasun on the other hand is following me as you can clearly see from this screenshot: Kasun's userId is 14449390 and mine is 17185376 since Kasun is following me, 14449390 should appear in my list of followers but it doesn't. You can get the followers list in XML and confirm this for yourself. Well, at least that was so at the time of writing (9:03PM on July 16 - here is the cached result) but things might have changed. If 14449390 is not in the list of people I follow, 17185376 should not be in the list of people kasunvp is following either but it is ( check the xml (or the cached result)). The twitter API has a method to verify follower/followings. The REST link for the kasunvp/e4c5 combo is it confirms that e4c5 is being followed.
 <followed_by type="boolean">true</followed_by>
 <following type="boolean">false</following>
 <id type="integer">17185376</id>
 <followed_by type="boolean">false</followed_by>
 <notifications_enabled nil="true"/>
 <blocking nil="true"/>
 <following type="boolean">true</following>
 <id type="integer">14449390</id>
Pretty much the same anomaly was encountered between @e4c5 and @chesstips (