Time for a face lift.

2010 May 18 at 14:23 » Tagged as :

This site was first created in 2003 and then totally neglected. Every now and then I get a bee under my bonnet and write a few new articles or make some minor tweaks to the site's appearance. The last such redesigned happened back in 2007. That was only a minor tweak, which meant that right until today, the site looked like one that had been designed in 2005. Hopefully it will now look like something made in 2008!

This is the old UI saved here for posterity.

The old UI, saved here for posterity.
The old UI, saved here for posterity.

Oh and by the way, this is totally untested on Windows. I will be absolutely delighted to hear that this doesn't work on IE 6, 7 or even 8. If it's indeed broken, I have absolutely no plan of fixing it.